Make Love a Priority in 2021!

Some GET REAL tips for Busy Singles by Renee Piane, The Love Designer
Hi, singles out there! It’s the new year and almost Valentine’s day.
Did you promise that this year you will Make LOVE a priority? How does a busy successful wonder woman or superman keep their careers on track and find time to date? I hear it all the time …I am focused on my career yet I want to meet a great partner…BUT…I’m just too busy? Wake up…life is flashing by.
It’s the new year so take some risks, change your patterns and have some fun!
If you are focused on success, you may avoid dating since and the years will just slip away. You hear yourself saying “Once I” accomplish this goal, then I’ll be ready for love…Really? I know this for a fact when I was so focused on my career and success and woke up at age 40… still single. Then, I had some life-changing wake up calls that changed my life.
If you want to change, you have to add dating and “love timeouts” into your schedule like you do with work. Here are a few dating tips for busy singles from someone who gets your challenge and wants to help you Get Real about your love life. These tips can apply to married people as well. Ask yourself:
- Do I “Flirt with Life” and send open vibes out? You never know who is watching or listening to you when you are out every day. Just a kind word, a warm smile or a glance from across a room will open new doors. When you are nice to others, it makes it safer for people to approach you. This week commit to flirting with three new people each day. Compliment a stranger while waiting in line, smile at a person walking by, and say “good morning.” Sometimes that is all it takes to meet someone. Do you flirt enough? Today, right now, the person you are looking for could be in line at Costco, a charity event, the dry cleaners, on your next blind date (the one you swore you’d never go on), the post office, or out walking their dog right outside your door. Take the “Flirting with Life” challenge and spread some love every day. It works!
Send me your Flirting With Life Success stories to Renee and you can win a Love Designer - Do I take time to play and commit to spending time to meet new people? How many risks have you taken this month? Is your life in balance with work and play? Get to know what really makes you happy and carve out a few hours each week to do those activities now. Change your day to day schedule and routines and mix it up! Get up 30 minutes earlier and stop at a cool café or coffee shop for breakfast on your way to work. Go to new places for lunch and put away your smartphone since you will miss flirting opportunities. Switch out your workout schedule to either earlier in the morning or after work around 7:00 pm when there are more single professionals working out.
- Do I go to any new connecting events? Whether you attend new social networking events, meetups, singles events, updating or creating a fresh online dating profile, join a matchmaking service, blind dates…you must be more open-minded and take more risks in your dating life! Come to my
Co-Ed Flirting Classes and Love Support Group.
Get on my list to see upcoming events - Have I eliminated any old “Passengers Remaining in my Vehicle?”
Is there someone still nagging at your heart, sucking your energy and draining your time? You may be wasting time on a “Dead End” relationship with a temporary lover, or carrying old anger around that is blocking new love. Get some support to heal your heart and move on. Do not use your work as your excuse not to do the inner work. Call me for a LOVE Designer Coaching Session and get over it! - Would I want to date or marry myself right now? Are you the person you want to attract? Are you living and treating yourself the way you would be if you were in LOVE? If you have a man or woman in your life are you taking time for love? Make a list of the actions would you be taking if you knew the love of your life was arriving in the next 30 days? Get started and do some of those actions now! Organize your closets; get your dating wardrobe together, workout regularly, and spice up your love nest by getting new bedding or a new couch cover and pillows. Act as if you have a lover in your life before they show or spice up the connection with the man or woman in your life. Focus on what would your ideal life would look like and start living in that feeling…now!
- Make an appointment with your heart and Get Real with yourself.
Remember, our work is always going to be a part of your life and hopefully you are happy doing what you do…but ask yourself? At the end of the day am I totally fulfilled? Am I balancing my work and personal life? Do I want someone else to share my successes with? Am I taking time to reflect on what is most important to me and taking action to achieve my love goals? We all have the responsible side of ourselves along with our fun playful little girl or little boy side. I’d guarantee the playful part of you isn’t getting much of your time or attention. What does your heart really want? Check out my new book now available in audio, Kindle and hard copy titled Get Real about LOVE ~The Secrets to Opening your Heart & Finding True Love and get in touch with your new vision for 2018. O come meet me live at one of my Book Signing/ Mixer events. - Do you believe in LOVE? You get what you believe and focus on! Watch your thoughts carefully. The thoughts you think about love and relationships show up in every conversation, your body language and the “energy” you project. Believe in LOVE and keep your heart open! Love can happen at any age, any day, at any time.
- Promise to carve out a little time for your heart every day and take time for love. This is your life and you can design it any way you want…you are in the driver’s seat of your love life! Get a coach or a mentor to set you on a path to creating a new action plan! I’m offering personal coaching and classes to help you reinvent your love life and achieve your goals. Contact me for a FREE 20 minute Love Designer consultation if you are ready to find the love of your life or spice up your marriage.his work is my passion and I’m here for YOU. Make your love life a priority today! After helping thousands find their match, it’s your turn to find love and keep it spicy in 2018.
Happy New You!
Renee Piane The Love Designer