Dear Renée,
I was attending a networking event and heard you speak so passionately about love. I had to write you since I was too embarrassed to ask this in public. I seem to always attract people that do not want to commit and I have lost my faith in finding a person that wants what I want. You were talking about the walls people build to protect themselves. I feel like I have a fortress around me. Anything you can suggest to break this wall down and get back out there?
Running out of Faith!
Dear Running out of Faith,
Don’t lose faith my friend and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want! In my business, I see and hear about all types of circumstances when it comes to dating and the thick walls of fear that surround so many people. Most people fear rejection. If they are hurt once or twice they build a layer of protection so thick no one can ever get into their heart again. They constantly talk about how hard and terrible dating is. Whether you have a fortress, a brick wall, or a dungeon you can only release yourself from these walls from the inside out. Only you have the ability to open the door to your heart! You need to check in with yourself and do what I call the Internal Diagnostic Tune-up. You may feel more supported to know you aren’t alone by contacting me for a heart-opening reality check or you might attend one of my seminars, either in person or over the phone!
Most people have very strong beliefs that are, unfortunately, often negative. Each person has their own definition of commitment, love, and what makes a great relationship. You believe people don’t want commitment and you keep attracting that type of person. So, now you don’t believe in commitment at all. Once you lose faith, you will keep attracting what you fear. Most people focus on what they don’t want rather than asking for what they do want.
Once you become aware of these prominent thoughts, you can change them with practice and awareness. It’s an expansion of your mind that is required if you want different results. If you believe that you can cook or dance, you can, though you may not be perfect at the start. The same goes with Love, we must learn how to create the love we want. We learn our preferences by experimenting and looking into ourselves. Now you realize that “Casual dating just isn’t for me… I want to be in a committed relationship and grow with someone.”
KNOW THYSELF and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. We can’t assume that people will automatically know what we want in a relationship. Many people believe that if they get intimate with someone it means they are committed. Then they get hurt and the walls get higher. This inner knowing and clarity takes time to examine and unwind. A shift in your beliefs, in yourself, and your current desires is required. In my coaching sessions, we break down these walls with daily practice and find a new, healthier outlook on life and love. It is life-changing!
Who taught you these skills? We all deserve love and you are just now asking for help to achieve that goal. I’ve been on a mission to teach this vital information because I never had anyone tell me how to break down my walls. Most of my unconscious beliefs came from some unhealthy role models as I grew up! I needed to learn to TRUST IN LOVE! I did this work on myself and it worked! It’s a way of looking at life or love and believing it is available. First, you must have an open heart for love to find you. If you need more assistance, give me a call for a session or read GET REAL about LOVE~The Secrets to Opening your Heart & Finding True LOVE. Keep the faith! Love is all around you if you have an opening for it. The world is opening up and if you have an open heart and change things up …Love will find you!
If you have a love or dating question or dilemma please email me. I will do my best to help! Need a dating makeover or a personal dating consultation call NOW at
310-827-1100! I can help you win in the game of Love!
© 2021 All contents of these articles are the sole property of Renée Piane Enterprises and cannot be duplicated or copied without the permission of the author. Contact us if you want to spread the love!