Unplug from your Hectic Life to Find Love

Most of my clients need a permission slip to unplug from their hectic lives to find love.
I know that deep down in your soul, no matter if you are; a president of a company, a famous TV or movie star, a super sales woman, a popular motivational speaker, a highly degreed professional businesswoman, doctor, surgeon, attorney, banker, judge, therapist, nurse, TV producer, writer, healer, graphic artist, event planner, artist, fitness guru, chef, painter, author, photographer, musician, teacher, spiritual healer, super mom, newly divorced, a widower, a model or a single woman or man on the quest for your soul mate…You want True LOVE right? You would not be reading this if you didn’t!
My mission is to help you get totally open and clear, and avoid sending mixed signals and take responsibility that YOU are the cause for love not showing up. We all get to design our love lives based on our lifestyle choices, core beliefs, vision and goals, and it’s up to you to get clear on who you are and what makes you happy. I had to experience two deaths in my life before I slowed down to take time for LOVE. I’m here to make you WAKE UP! Join me for fun G discussions live in my room on Club House :GET REAL about Love
STOP NOW to examine your heart and soul. Ask yourself if you even know your place in the love game. Most of us go through phases where we are open, loving and creative, yet we suddenly shut down if we get disappointed. Some people become so negative and shell-shocked that no one could reach them with love even if they tried. Sometimes, you are ready to dive into the depths of passion and love from your core. At other times, you may want to be focused on yourself growing and exploring life alone. Ask yourself:
• Where am I as a single woman or man?
• Am I just looking for casual sex?
• Do I want a friend, a life partner or a spouse?
• Do I know enough about what I want in a relationship?
• Do I want to save my marriage?
• Do I want to reignite my current relationship?
• Am I wasting my time with the person I’m with now?
• Am I doubting that I’ll ever find love?
• Am I willing to look at how I create my own reality and use this wisdom to create my new love story?
Many people are desperately seeking love, creating havoc and picking the wrong partners because they don’t take time to reflect on themselves. They avoid pain with overworking, drinking, smoking, casual sex, drugs, and or shopping. Yet, they wonder why their love life is not working with their current mate or why they are still alone.
** By becoming more conscious of your current relationship status, you can design and plan the steps you are willing to take to move forward to reinvent your life.
Do some reflecting now and my next blog will includes some of the love phases most people are experiencing….what are yours?
Get Real Reflections
•• What is your current relationship phase?
•• Are you being honest with yourself and the people you are interested in dating or are currently dating?
•• Are you sending clear signals and speaking your truth on dates?
More reflections to come. If you want support during your process,
Connect with me to receive a FREE 20 minute consultation or go to Amazon now to purchase my Get REAL about LOVE ~ The Secrets to Opening your Heart & Finding True LOVE
I’d love to help you create your new love story. I hope to hear from you!
Renée ~The Love Designer