Home Bound Tips to Stay in Balance
This wild worldwide pandemic has slowed us all down to reinvent our lives. It all seems so surreal… like a bad dream. It’s finally hitting us that this virus is keeping the world homebound for a long time. It’s been months in and out of quarantine, and we all are just starting to get in a new flow. I think the shock has turned into a big wake up call for many of us that are suddenly thrown together with our families full time. Many of us are all reinventing our day-to-day living. We need to be patient, loving, and creative. Some of you are married, single, dealing with a broken heart. or in the midst of a relationship transition.
This is a time to slow down and evaluate our lives and it’s giving us an opportunity to examine our priorities. We are so blessed we live in this beautiful world, and I’m so grateful for our local stores to get our supplies easier than most people worldwide. We all have been figuring out how to keep ourselves balanced while staying safe. Thanks to the power of the internet, information, and classes of all kinds are available to keep us motivated and informed. Learning something new and keeping your mind active are great ways to stave off cabin fever. Here are a few of my love tips to implement during our on and off confinement:
Food, Fitness, and Deeper Connections
I’m sure most of us are cooking more than normal and we need to be creative to spread out our food supply. I’ve been trying out new recipes to keep our meals healthy and interesting. Personally, I have been baking my own healthy treats, because I’m gluten-free. I have mastered making it easier for myself by making my main protein sources (Fish organic chicken, delicious soups, salads, and veggies ahead of time to have options ready to go so I don’t eat junk food. I know many people are “eating their feelings” and many are getting “Fluffy!” Can you relate?
The experts say eating warmer foods and drinking warm (teas and coffee) is best to fight the virus. I make extra food while I’m cooking so I can create a few meals with the leftovers. For example, I will bake chicken with carrots and veggies, then use the extra chicken to make chicken salad or a delicious soup by adding bone broth and more vegetables, beans, or rice.
I have been making lots of easy and delicious homemade soups by sautéing organic onions, carrots celery in olive oil first, then adding chicken and creating a large pot of broth. I save half for another meal and transform my basic soup base into two other delicious soups easily. Here is one of my favorite soups to make with mixed organic veggies: broccoli, zucchini, butternut squash, and cauliflower (add your favorites) and boil those in water with salt, pepper, and garlic until the veggies are soft. I add coconut milk (or coconut cream), red curry, and other seasonings and blend it all together to taste. This soup is delicious, healthy, and creamy. Then I use the same soup basic base and create 2 other soups. WATCH MY VIDEO about this soup magic to save you time: https://vimeo.com/403933107
For a healthy treat for people that are gluten and dairy-free, I have one of my easy recipes that are low in carbs and sugar. This delicious muffin recipe that my sister Theresa sent me is made with an almond meal from Trader Joe’s. These muffins are great for the whole family. Here is the simple recipe that makes plenty of muffins that are low in carbs and your family and friends will love them. Let me know what you think.
Gluten and Grain-Free Muffins
Mix Dry Ingredients in a bowl: 2 cups almond meal
2 teaspoons baking powder and ½ tsp Salt
Wet Ingredients (in a blender)
4 eggs, 1 cup ripe bananas, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 cup of any of these ingredients
* Organic pumpkin in a can (Lowest in calories) * Fresh butternut squash cooked * Baked Sweet potato, ¼ cup of olive oil (or oil of your choice) Blend together. Add stevia, maple syrup, monk fruit, brown or white sugar to taste. Mix both together.
-Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Bake in a muffin pan with paper baking cups sprayed lightly with coconut oil. Add nuts, dark chocolate pieces, seeds… be creative Bake 20-25 minutes. These muffins are healthy and very yummy! Let me know if you liked them.
FITNESS (for the Body and the Mind)
The biggest frustration is being quarantined and not having the option to go to the gym for our fitness classes and getting out and about. Take 30 – 60 minute walks near your home to get some sunshine and move your body. Exercise has proven to help with anxiety, and with all the shocking news updates, working out is one of the best ways to release overwhelming stress. Meditation is very impactful as well. I went online to find free workouts and have learned some great new moves to tone various body parts that tend to sag. Take time to tune in on YouTube with just a floor mat or a rug to keep your body moving and your endorphins going.

Here are some great classes to explore 24/7 Some are FREE
Jill Brown Fitness-Amazing Classes from an amazing pro (book soon! Great deals: and she is offering free classes https://viasession.com/jillbrownfitness/
30-Minute No-Equipment Barre Sculpting Workout– https://bit.ly/3dzv70q
Yoga for Beginners /20 Minute Yoga Workout–https://youtu.be/v7AYKMP6rOE
Try Ohana Yoga: https://ohanayoga.com/heart-backbends-yoga-flow-with-devon/
15-Minute Beginner Workout — No Equipment Needed https://bit.ly/3dBB1y8
The most important thing is staying close to family and friends that you haven’t had the time to talk to in a long time. We have set up weekly calls on Zoom or Facetime with our families and close friends to connect. It has been amazing since we have more time to really connect! I have been reflecting on what are the deeper lessons we are all learning about ourselves? How can we deepen our relationships? What can we do to make a difference? How can we deal with this world epidemic in a more positive way?

Recently, one of my aunts shared fascinating stories about my grandparents and great aunts who lived through wars and diseases like this. In those times they had little food, medicines, or the technology we have today. I am sure our children will be telling their children about how our world survived this pandemic someday.
It’s a great time to be sharing tales from your family lineage to get passed down to your kids and grandchildren. What stories have you shared about your love story, and how you grew up? Do your relatives about your lineage and your view of the world? Ahh, the Secrets you might discover! In my current book “Get Real about Love~ I shared my personal journey of how I had to heal from the messages that I absorbed from the 4 generations of infidelity in my love lineage and how I healed my self to find love. . I’m writing my next book entitled “The Power of your Love Lineage” based on my TEDX youth talk last year.
I wonder what the next generations will be telling their children about your family history especially about this pandemic experience? Once you open the door to love lineage stories you may learn so much about your relationships patterns and beliefs

I like to think about the good that will prevail if we all step up and offer a hand to someone in need. Our older relatives and neighbors often needed tech support,
help to go shopping, pick up medications, or bring in their groceries. Reach out with kind deeds to make our world a better place and to make people feel stay safe and supported.

With the family Snuggle up, read, learn a new craft, create a vision board, do a good deed, thank people who are working to stock our food and heal the sick. I suggest writing cards to people you love to send happy thoughts to others, watch inspiring movies, write a blog and pray as a family. Clean out old drawers and closets, take naps, hug your kids, appreciate your partner more…Someone has to be the lead to keep the faith,
If you are single, create or update an online profile, network to meet people online, and get to know each other by phone, Zoom, and facetime. I help many singles update their profiles to get incredible results. Check out my personal coaching or sign up for a FREE Consultation. Join us for my monthly Co-Ed Flirting with Life & Networking Classes, read relationship books, clean out your love nest and get your place ready for love. Take online classes to learn new skills, in art, cooking, and, count your blessings each day, and stay connected if you are lonely. Ask me for support. Let’s all pray more, be compassionate, be grateful for our blessings, and wear masks to save our own lives and those we love. Blessing to us all. We are all in this together!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Have a burning question? In a love “situation?” Need help with any dating concerns or have a relationship challenge? Need an Image makeover? Ready to find Love? Send in your questions to Renee@ReneePiane.com or connect with me at my office at 310 827-1100.
Contact me for a Free 20-minute consultation to reinvent your love life! Connect with me on Facebook, Linked-in, Instagram, Twitter
Need some inspiration to find love in 2022? Pick up my book “Get Real about LOVE The Secrets to Opening your Heart & Finding True LOVE!” will help you to design a plan to achieve your goals and offers the steps to open your heart.
It’s available on Amazon in kindle, book form, and Audible.